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    Pupil Premium

    Pupil Premium is a government initiative that provides schools with additional funding to support disadvantaged students in making good progress and raising attainment. Students are eligible for the funding if:

    • They are a Looked After Child

    • They have received free school meals within the last 6 years

    • They have a parent in the armed forces.

    The Pupil premium strategy is reviewed termly. Our termly reviews assess the impact of our spend through a range of measures:

    • Attainment
    • Progress
    • Pupil Voice
    • Teacher Voice
    • Parent Voice

    Oxford Spires Academy spends this money in a variety of ways to support student.  The important thing is to ensure that it has the highest possible impact on attainment and success. A full outline of our Pupil Premium Strategy is outlined in the document below.

    If you have any further questions about how we are supporting your son/daughter, please contact: