Stage of process | Date |
Application period starts | September 2024 |
School open day | 12 September 2024 |
Closing date for applications | 31 October 2024 |
National Offer Day | 1 March 2025 |
Deadline for accepting the offer | 15 March 2025 |
Deadline for submitting appeals | 26 March 2025 |
Appeal hearings for appeals submitted on time | From June 2025 |
Induction day at secondary school | 27 June and 30 June 2025 |
Parent & Carer Year 7 Information Evening | 30 June 2025 |
We cant wait to welcome you to our Oxford Spires community!
Preparing for your first year at secondary school is a big step up, with lots of interesting subjects to get used to, a different building to explore and new teachers and friends to meet. Our extensive transition programme gives our new students lots of chances to meet us before they start, but we understand that settling in doesn’t always happen overnight, and we support them every step of the way.
Lessons at secondary school are a very different experience to those at primary level. Our teachers are subject specialists with very high standards who want to support our students to realise their potential; working hard, showing resilience and having a positive attitude is key.
Year 7s also have to learn to take more responsibility for themselves with their homework and behaviour than they might be used to. Getting into good habits, and being accountable for their actions, is something our students will be working hard to develop, and we very much appreciate support from parents with this at home.
There are so many exciting opportunities to take advantage of in Year 7, from sports teams, clubs and an extensive range of enrichment activities to our brilliant team building activity day. We certainly work hard, but we make sure we all enjoy school life too. We expect our Year 7s to throw themselves into their first year at Oxford Spires and make every day count!