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  • Our school

    Spires Science Curriculum Hub

    We are incredibly proud to facilitate and offer a wide array of developmental opportunities for science teachers and leaders in our wider community. The Spires Science Curriculum Hub (SSCH) is the successor of the Science Learning Partnership, led by Claire Hamnett and Jackie Merritt and based at Oxford Spires Academy.

    We provide a wide range of CPD for primary and secondary schools and FE institutions in Oxfordshire and Central and West Berkshire, including conferences, science lead network days, ECT training, technician training, primary science subject support and much more.

    Supported by OTSA, the hub combines local expertise in teaching and learning in science, facilitating CPD and providing school-to-school support. SSCH offers high quality science CPD through a range of full day, afternoon and twilight sessions, either online or face to face as needed. We also work with schools on an individual basis to provide bespoke support and work closely with local leading science organisations such as RAL, STFC, Science Oxford, OUMNH and many more.



    Claire Hamnett
    Jackie Merrit​​​