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  • Sixth Form

    Supervised Study

    By attending the Sixth Form at Oxford Spires, students have chosen to attend a high achieving Sixth Form, with high expectations of student study habits. We expect that students achieve a high level of academic productivity both in and out of school. To support students in maintaining effective study routines we explicitly teach study skills, timetable silent and supervised study periods for every student, and monitor work completion and deadlines closely.

    All Sixth Form students are expected to undertake a minimum of 5 hours independent work outside the classroom, per subject, per week. Students will be set home learning tasks by subject teachers on a weekly basis, and these tasks will be visible to students and parents / carers through the My Child At School app. These tasks have a set deadline by which they must be completed, either by uploading work or by bringing the work to the identified lesson. A structured programme of independent study and revision activities is accessible for each subject via The Oxford Spires Mastery Guides.


    What is study?

    In the journey to becoming self-regulated independent learners, students follow a structured programme of study. The structures provided instruct students in how to build knowledge in each of their subjects over time and will support students to develop purposeful and productive independent study habits.

    The process of moving from a novice to an expert takes time and involves a number of distinct modes of study:

    • Securing – learning the key vocabulary/terminology and essential facts/rules of a subject that underpin a topic or unit of work. These should be seen as the initial building blocks or component parts of a topic / subject.
    • Processing – engaging in lots of practise or processing and transforming information requires further thinking and repetition and aids transfer into long-term memory.
    • Exploring – accessing additional relevant subject material, whether written, audio or audio-visual, helps students to place the knowledge they’ve learnt in a wider context and also to follow their own lines of interest which can inspire.
    • Reviewing – self-evaluation involves learners checking which knowledge is secure and embedded and which is not. It exposes any learning gaps so that they can be addressed through an action plan.

    Students are taught how to build knowledge through each study mode. As students develop greater confidence over time, they start to take greater ownership over the direction of their study.

    How does study work?

    Each student undertakes a minimum of 5 hours of independent work outside of the classroom per subject, per week. This is mapped out clear for students on a weekly basis in their subject Mastery Guides. The work set out in subject Mastery Guides is comprised of:

    • Tasks set by teachers for completion with specific deadlines, this will also be set for students on BromCom.
    • Wider study work which is guided and supported by resources provided by subject areas.

    Students have allocated supervised study periods built into their timetable to support and structure their study time. Subject-based study tasks are accessed through shared folders available to all students, and the undertaking of productive study is checked by subject teachers and the Sixth Form leadership teams on a regular basis.

    Students may use the Sixth Form Study Centre beyond 3.30pm, but no later than 5pm as long as a member of staff is present in the Sixth Form Study Centre.

    Recording attendance to study

    When students are not in a lesson or completing volunteer hours, they will have "Study Time" on their timetable. 

    Registering attendance: 

    1. Sign in: Students should arrive at the 6th form common room within the first 5 minutes of the hour and sign in with the staff member running the study session. 

    1. Choose your study space: Students can either stay in the Study Centre or go to another approved 6th form space (library, Willow’s Cafe, or IT Science). 

    1. Sign out: If students leave the Study Centre, thy must make sure they put their names on the large posters by the door, letting us know where they will be studying. 

    By following these simple steps, we can help students stay organised, supported, and on top of their studies. 


    Sixth Form study spaces

    Location Times Details
    Sixth Form Learning Centre


    (as long as staff member present)

    Exclusive for Sixth Form students.

    Available for group study, silent study, desktops and learning resources are available.

    The Library Balcony 9:00am-4:00pm

    Exclusive for Sixth Form students.

    Available for group study, silent study.

    The Library 9:00am-4:00pm

    Available when not being used for Y7-Y9 lessons.

    Available for group study, silent study, desktops and learning resources are available.

    SR2 8:00am-4:00pm

    Exclusive for Year 13 students.

    Silent study, desktops and learning resources are available.

    The Willows Cafe 9:00am-3:00pm

    Exclusive for Sixth Form students.

    Available for group study.

    ICT Computer Room 9:00am-3:00pm

    Exclusive for Sixth Form students.

    Available for group study.

    (there may be occasions when computer room is needed for one off Y7-Y11 lessons, assessments)