This year you will be making your subject choices for Year 10. At this stage, the curriculum will still be broad, so that you can continue to extend your knowledge and skills in a central core of subjects. At the same time, you will begin to make choices in other areas, based on your own abilities and preferences.
It is important that you keep as many options open as possible. You should bear the A Level curriculum in mind. You should not be too quick to see yourself as a ‘Scientist’ or a ‘humanities’ student, as combinations of these subjects will be encouraged right up to A Level. Universities will be looking for students with breadth as well as depth in their subject knowledge.
The KS4 Options booklet (below) contains information for each GCSE and BTEC subject, covering the basic outline of the course, the nature of any coursework expected and the method of assessment. It is written to guide you through your choices and assist you in making the best decisions.
Each subject has also produced a video with additional information to help you understand the subject in more detail. You should discuss these decisions with your parents/carers, form tutor and other staff in the relevant subject areas.
We are always looking to improve and value your feedback. Please take a moment to complete this short form following Yr 9 Parents' Evening and Options Evening.